The Sahara Jewellery Collection

The incredible Sahara Jewelry Collection is made by the desert dwelling Tuareg tribe. The Tuareg are often called the "blue people of the desert”, due to their indigo dyed clothing.

All the jewellery are sourced from a fair trade artisan collective in Mali. This collective educates young artisans and also offers upgrading courses for the more experienced silversmiths of the area. The incredible artistry in this collection is highlighted by the high quality materials used in it. Using genuine semi-precious stones, ebony, 925 and 99.99% pure fine silver. Rings, bracelets and necklaces are all handcrafted by the 50 silversmiths in the collective. Each stunning piece of jewellery is engraved with symbols passed down from many generations, describing their living environment, the Sahara Desert.

The Tuareg people live within an independent Berber culture. Jewellery is small and therefore was often used for trading. Creating stunning silver jewelry in simple, yet bold designs are tuareg trademarks. Their artistry is geometric and symmetrical, and they come from the belief that silver is the metal of the prophet.

When you purchase a piece of art from this collection, you are not only supporting my small business. You are also supporting over 200 people within this region with each piece of jewellery sold within the collection. And, if you purchase online, I will donate 5% of the total sale to the organisation Blink Now to help support the education of the beautiful children of Nepal.


The Himalayan Jewellery Collection