Carmen Bichler Carmen Bichler

The Himalayan Jewellery Collection

The Himalayan Jewelry Collection is made by hand and heart in beautiful Nepal. Much of Nepalese jewellery is mainly made by the Newar people, a Nepalese ethnic group who live in Kathmandu and the surroundings. The Newar people have been artisans for centuries, and have a rich history closely linked with Tibet, with many people from Tibet living there.

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Carmen Bichler Carmen Bichler

The Sahara Jewellery Collection

The Sahara Jewelry Collection is made by the desert dwelling Tuareg tribe. The Tuareg are often called the "blue people of the desert”. All the jewellery are sourced from a fair trade artisan collective in Mali. This collective educates young artisans and also offers upgrading courses for the more experienced silversmiths of the area.

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